Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Peter Eggleton Living Legend Ballroom Champion

The Academy of Ballroom Dance in Phoenix is bringing in a very special guest coach for a workshop.

Peter Eggleton will be giving a class lecture about "How Ballroom Dancing Works".

He will be interjecting some very interesting history as well as showing and teaching us how to hold and move with a partner in foxtrot and waltz.

Save this date: April 27 7:00 to 8:00 pm $25.00 per person

Don't miss this opportunity to learn from a living legend. Mr. Eggleton is a world champion and trainer of every major ballroom champion over the past 30 years.

RSVP to jmar3739@aol.com so we know how many people to expect.
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This gentleman, whi is indeed a legend will be lecturing and more in Pheonix at the Academy of Ballroom dance. This is worth attending.
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